Saturday, 26 November 2022

Lockdown Scepticism

Ever since the start of the pandemic the country has been plagued by not one, but two viruses: Covid and lockdown scepticism. Here are some tweets from folk who have caught a bad dose of the latter.

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Friday, 13 December 2019

The People Have Not Spoken

Looking like an injured smurf We have heard plenty of lies before the election and now we're hearing that biggest of lies we hear after every election: that the 'people' have spoken. This is plainly bullshit of the highest order. As a Liberal/LibDem voter in a safe Conservative seat all my life I'm well aware that my voice has never been...

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Friday, 16 August 2019

The No Deal Argument

One of Nick Robinson's 10 things that stopped Brexit happening was "No deal was an empty threat". I wrote about that article here, but I am extracting the No Deal argument from that blog here. The idea prominent among Brexiteers is that unless the UK shows the EU that it is serious about leaving without any deal at all then the UK's...

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Friday, 19 July 2019

Britain's Brexit Crisis

Nick Robinson made a reasonable program on the disastrous post-Brexit period that has delivered the UK a constitutional crisis like no other. What it showed was a catalogue of errors by the Tories and others, which Robinson helpfully documented here. For convenience I repeat the list here, with brief notes from me: 1. The UK had no plan...

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Thursday, 21 March 2019

3rd Message to Jeremy Quin

Dear Jeremy Parliament is in paralysis and as such a no deal Brexit appears to be the most likely outcome on 29th March. This would be very damaging to the UK economy, according to most economists and the Government's own forecasts. If Mrs May's deal cannot be agreed by parliament and no extension is forthcoming from the EU, I ask you to vote for a revocation of Article 50 rather than let the UK destroy what little credibility...

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Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Law, the Weather, and the Climate

The excellent film On the Basis of Sex is now in cinemas, and covers the trials of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (what a woman) fighting for sexual equality through the courts of the United States. It included an excellent quote from, she says, jurist Paul Freund: A Court ought not be affected by the weather of the day, but will be by the...

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Saturday, 2 February 2019

A Little Bit of Bread and No Cheese

Operation Yellowhammer is the codename given to the UK government's no deal preparations. Sam Coates of The Times has leaked details of the plan. Some extracts from his tweets: - “Operation is potentially enormous” - “Impacts ... could grow exponentially as issues impact upon each other and capabilities of responders at all levels decrease...

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