Sunday, 28 March 2010

Dark Knight of the Soul

India Knight has written an article that is worth analysing, to show the strange way homo sapiens goes about believing what it does. She says:...there were aspects of Catholicism that I loved, and not only because they made me good at reading religious paintings (this is why RE lessons are so important — never mind God; feel the culture)....

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Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Magazine Morality Questionnaire

A little while back, I and a few friends posted a thread lampooning the religious world view morality via the medium of a pretend magazine questionnaire; the subject, 'Are you God-good enough to be a good God?!?' These were my contributions:---You've been fine tuning evolution to ensure maximum hardship for all involved, when you're interrupted...

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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Burka or bikini?

People seem to burst a blood vessel when someone suggests it might be possible to study morality *scientifically*; I've no idea why, other than one's natural distrust for authority or, perhaps, authoritarianism. But of course morality is, and has been, studied scientifically by many; societies down the ages have listened to a mixture of experts, charlatans (including the religious who claim bogus authority) and the zeitgeist,...

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Thursday, 18 March 2010

Correspondence with Francis Maude on Homeopathy

SuccussionAfter the House of Commons Select Committee report on Homeopathy, recommending that the Government stops funding homeopathic treatments, I emailed my MP, Francis Maude, asking him to support its conclusions. He replied by letter:24th FebruaryDear Mr JonesThank you for your recent e-mail about homeopathy, following the report produced by the House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology.I am aware that there...

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